Healed of Brain Tumour - Chauke's Amazing Testimony @ the HEALING SCHOOL OF CHRIST EMBASSY

                                                                                                            post imageDespite being in his early 20s, Chauke Vutomi faced an uncertain future. His life had been overtaken by pain and despair. What started out as an itching between his eyes soon developed into something that would later be identified as a brain tumour. As the tumour grew, his face became disfigured and his eyes started protruding. His nostrils got blocked, so that he could only breathe through his mouth. He also suffered severe headache constantly, making study impossible for him. No solution seemed to be forthcoming and the situation progressively worsened.
He became a shadow of his former self, confused and afraid. It was in this state that he came to the Healing School with a yearning for a normal life again. With faith in the power of God to transform his life, Chauke received his miracle when the man of God ministered to him.
A completely transformed Chauke happily testifies, "Now, I can see very well, because my eyes are back to their normal position. No more sleepless nights, I can breathe well. I've even returned to school. I'm grateful for the many changes God has wrought in my life."
The 2014 Healing School Summer Session is still on; you can be God's outstretched arm, an instrument for turning someone's life around. Get involved by:
  • Inviting someone for the Session
  • Praying towards the Session
  • Giving towards the Session
To read more testimonies or for information on Healing School Sessions, kindly download the Healing School Mobile App for android and Apple devices at http://cehs.ch/hsapp


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