Achieving Desired Results

A lot of times, we make announcements of what we want to do or accomplish in our meetings publicly, and sometimes, we may not be able to achieve these results. You may say, “but God told me to do this and that, so why are things not working out as I expected?” Yes He did, but my question is, did you get a hold of it inside you?
Prophet Elijah was a man subject to like passion as we are, but he prayed earnestly that it should not rain for three and half years and it didn’t (James 5:17). Before Prophet Elijah made this announcement openly before the king, he prayed, and after he declared no rain in the land he continued in prayer.
As a child of God, we live and operate from inside out and not the other way round. When you make the announcement of that great thing you’d like to do in your meeting, it is a proclamation of your faith based on what God had said. Don’t stop there; you have a part to play by taking a hold of what you want on your knees in the place of prayer. Spend quality time praying till there is a note of victory in your spirit, i.e. till you can see the result in your spirit. At this time, you can openly declare what God has said in full assurance that it will turn out successfully.


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