Did you go to Church today? Or you are only attending this meeting?
This is not a normal meeting. It is a special meeting, it is different from your normal church meeting. So you cannot forego your church service and come to this meeting. The church services are very important, you must attend church services regularly, not just once in a while. Do not allow your body or your senses hold you back from going to Church. You must become a product of many meetings that way you get blessed and upgraded spiritually.
Don't be subordinate to your senses or your mind. Rule your mind. The fall in the Garden of Eden was a fall of man's spirit to his mind but you have to alter that and regain the mastery of the spirit over the mind. Your mind is a tool; do not let it rule you. Spiritual things don't excite the senses no wonder the Bible says "be not conformed… but be transformed by the renewing of your mind". Do not conform to the world but be transformed; transfigured from glory to glory. Hallelujah! Change your thinking!
Tell your mind what to think. Let the Word of God fill your mind; your senses. Subject and subdue your mind to the Word of God because when you're born again, your spirit loves God but your mind is unwilling and says no. So, subdue it! Go with your spirit; make the right choices in life. Be glad; be excited to be in the house of God.
(PU sings a special song)
(Joe Praiz sings his new song "Most High")
When life gets tough, get into your room, put on the song "Most High", sing it! Chant it and dance to it. No devil can stand that. Don't just sing it, chant it. Be moved by the Holy Ghost and change things.
There are 2 Important things I want to share with you.
The One thousand times increase. Is it possible for God to move you into 1000x increase of what you're already enjoying today? A thousand fold increase?? Is it possible?? Can God do it??
God is talking about an increase in value. Your value increases. What are you going to be like if you're 1000x better than whatever you are today in every way. My value goes up 1000x!
In a few years, you're going to say Pastor Chris said so. What we have today, is a fulfillment of prophecies many years ago.
Deut 1:10-11
"The LORD your God hath multiplied you, and, behold, ye [are] this day as the stars of heaven for multitude. 11 (The LORD God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye [are], and bless you, as he hath promised you!)"
God is not talking about broke people, people who don't have anything, so no matter how good things are going for you, God is saying, ‘there's more'! There is a thousand fold blessings; where the lower limits becomes a thousand!
Isaiah 60:22
"A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation:I the LORD will hasten it in his time."
God's value system is this, when He blesses you, everything that's connected with you becomes blessed. It enters into everything that concerns you; your finances, your business, your influence, your family, your domain, everything!
But just because it is written in His Word doesn't mean it will come to pass. God works in an order; there are certain things that must be done, certain principles that must be applied for it to work. They are spiritual laws, they must be applied.
1st Corinthians 12:1-10.
"Now concerning spiritual [gifts], brethren, I would not have you ignorant. 2 Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. 3 Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed:and [that] no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. 4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6 And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all. 7 But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. 8 For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same Spirit; 9 To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; 10 To another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of spirits; to another [divers] kinds of tongues; to another the interpretation of tongues."
The gifts of the Holy Ghost are called the manifestations of the spirit. What are these gifts??? You find them in the above scriptures.
Sometimes, God gives you a piece of His Wisdom; an understanding about His plan and purposes concerning a person, events, a nation etc. It is an understanding in the creative wisdom of God that when manifested, people will wonder.
God is all-knowing but He gives you a piece of His understanding. It is a divinely granted knowledge where you just know. You don't know how you know but you just know. You can tell for instance a person's outcome, call a person by name, someone you've never met before, call a condition you've never encountered etc. These gifts are first manifested in small measures but you need to know how to respond to Spirit so it can grow. They are given for the common good of God's people. I'm not talking about witch hunting, but the gifts of God that exalts people.
Each one of us that is born again, when we received the Holy Ghost, received at least one gift. There is no one without a gift from the Spirit but you have to desire more. Sometimes it is manifested as a gift of knowledge; knowledge of what direction to take into the future. It is not your instinct, it is by the Holy Ghost and these gifts are given for us to be able to help one another spiritually.
These gifts are important because they help to build faith; a special faith that causes you to do the impossible. These operations are according to the Holy Ghost, we just have to become sensitive to the Holy Ghost to know when they are in operation. It is not something you control; something you can turn on or off, it is according the Holy Ghost.
There is the working of miracles; we work miracles by the Holy Ghost. Also, there is the gift of healing. The gift of Prophecies; it encourages, exhorts, gives peace. The gift of healing can be manifested through the gift of prophecy, were you give a word concerning some conditions and they get healed. Prophecy is the best gift, no wonder Apostle Paul says for us to Prophecy, the other gift that equals Prophecy is the gift of Tongues.
Discerning of Spirits means you are able to see and hear into the realms of spirits. You are able to relate with these beyond this realm. It is not when you start seeing some blurry visions in your eyes, no, it is spiritual. You know and hear things going on in the spiritual realm.
Tongues: ministering in other tongues; the Lord gives you messages in heavenly language, diverse tongues. Sometimes, you speak supernaturally in another language you never learnt because there are tongues of men and tongues of angels. For example the late Arch Bishop Idahosa spoke in ten different languages he never learnt, and he spoke them very well. I have spoken to some people in their tongue I never learnt.
The interpretation of tongues is not the same thing as the translation of tongues. Sometimes someone speaks in tongues for a long time then another person comes and gives a few word in interpreting the tongues and it looks as if, all that long tongue cannot be this short interpretation? It is possible. The interpretation gives you the substance, the actual meaning of the tongues and not the translation.
The Christian life is a marvelous experience. These gifts are very important in the house of God. You can have several of them manifested in your life for the benefits of others.
The Lord is kind.
The Lord is gracious.
(Sinach ministered in worship)
(Pastor called for the man who got healed of cancer last service and his daughter who he went home to lay hands on and she went under the power and got healed of juvenile diabetes)
God's Spirit administers God's blessings to us. Never allow the lie of the devil to dominate your life. The anointing of God is for us to receive. Testimonies are very important; the way to keep your miracle is by testifying. There is something called being healed and being made whole. To receive healing a supernatural sign but when you testify, you're made whole.
If you choose to, you can walk in the realm of the supernatural always!
Say, I have decided to walk in the supernatural always (3 times)
I have decided to walk in the miraculous
(Miracles started taking places; deafness healed)
These miracles are just a sign that God is present with us and that He can do anything. Many things are happening in your lives, there are re-positioning taking place.
God hears and answers prayers.
Say, God is gracious
He is doing a lot in my life
He is doing wonders in my life.
It's so simple. The things of God are very simple but you must give yourself to them.
(Pastor called out for people addicted to smoking and been trying hard to stop; he said it was caused by demons. He ministered to them individually)
There are things that if you give yourself to, you'll be unable to fulfill God's calling in your life. Sometimes the outside symbols of success are actually signs of failure. E.g. an artist driving a very big car just to show off even though he doesn't have an investment that can give him many more cars.
Never allow anything dominate or control your life but the Word of God. Serve God with your life. You are the only you that God has. The only you He's ever had, He has and will ever have. You're unique in yourself. God has made you the best of you but you have a choice to allow Him run your life or otherwise. Allow God run your life and let His will be done in your life.
God has deposited His abilities in you and these abilities no one else has and He wants to bless the world through you. Give Him your life, let Him direct you.
So you're going to enjoy s thousand fold increase right?
There is the significance of your seed. God is not asking for the size of your seed but the significance of it. These things are very simple. Do the mathematics. What is the multiplication of a thousand increase? For example you have a Church that has 200 members and you want a thousand increase, do the maths; 200 x 1000 = N200, 000 (very simple, very cheap yet very significant).
There are assets and there are liabilities. Be wise in your life. Spend your money wisely. Anything you spend on that takes more money from you to maintain it, is a liability e.g. cars, phones, etc. Anything you spend on that produces more money of more gain, is an asset e.g., education, knowledge, house, business etc. Invest on assets not on liabilities. Work on having something that can produce other things, don't be carried away by the desire to show off. Think wisely! Act wisely! There is more to life.
God opens doors. He connects people and He will make those connections in your life! Amen!
Say the glory of the Lord is on my life,
I'm making progress, progress, progress!!
I'm full; full of blessings, full of the Holy Ghost,
No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper,
The angels of the Lord are working for me everywhere I go,
Goodness and mercy are following me,
The light of God is shining on my path and in my path there is no darkness.
In my path, there is no defeat,
In my path, there is no death!!!
Praise the Lord………………………….(7 times)
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