The World Needs To Hear It

The World Needs To Hear It

"...But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones,..." (Jeremiah 20:9) 

When you have the word burning in you, you can't keep quiet about it; it will rise up to the surface and you’ll find yourself preaching the gospel to everyone around you. The gospel is the only saving power in the world today; it’s the answer and solution the world needs. Our Lord Jesus has committed the gospel to our trust and many will never hear it except through you.

This is the reason we travel around the world preaching the Gospel. It's not just a religious act! Christianity is not a religion; it's about The Lord Jesus Christ and his living message. The Bible tells us in Act 1:11 that he would come back one day, very soon. So it's your responsibility to ensure that everyone in your world receives the Gospel and enjoys the life that you’ve received in Christ - eternal life.


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